Open sourcing the XAML Spy UI

Monday, February 11, 2013

Are you building WPF apps and do you want your application to look as cool as XAML Spy? You can! Announcing the immediate availability of Modern UI for WPF, a set of controls and styles converting your WPF application into a great looking Modern UI app, just like XAML Spy.

Modern UI for WPF is an open source spin-off of XAML Spy. The entire user interface has been extracted from XAML Spy and is now available as a re-usable open source library.

Want to learn more? Modern UI for WPF is hosted on codeplex at

Why open sourcing the UI?

Take a look at the about page in the XAML Spy settings and you’ll notice that XAML Spy heavily depends on a number of open source projects. It’s fair to say that without these projects, XAML Spy wouldn’t even exist in its current form. Modern UI for WPF is our way to say thank you and to contribute back to the open source community.

Next to that, based on the number of questions received on how to build a XAML Spy like UI, it looks like Modern UI styled WPF apps are in demand.